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Serapis Bey


Serapis Bey is from the realm of Bey, hence the name, wherein is His dwelling place.

Serapis Bey is the great disciplinarian known through the cen-turies for the action of strict discipline. Real discipline is not stipulation over another which would thwart the innate progress, but instead it is a holding in check the human qualities so that the inner or Real Self can have expression. This is very essential to the attainment of the Ascension which is the culmination of all embodiments.

Serapis Bey came as a guardian to Earth’s evolutions, and took physical embodiment as many did. It is said that He came from Venus.

His inner service is in the Fourth Sphere and He works with the Christ Selves of the unascended life-streams there.

Serapis Bey was the priest in the Ascension Temple on Atlantis before its sinking, to whom was delegated the task of taking a portion of the Ascension Flame to safety. He together with forty of the Brotherhood sailed in a boat to Egypt, according to the directions they had been given. Just after their landing on the Nile River in the locality of Luxor they were aware of the sinking of Atlantis by the rumble and shaking of the Earth.

Serapis Bey established a Temple there for the Ascension Flame and has been the guardian of that Flame ever since. Some trusted Brother in physical embodiment would stand guard when Serapis Bey was at inner levels in between embodi-ments. Since the sinking of Atlantis around 12,000 years ago he has had nearly all embodiments in Egypt.

While in embodiment in Egypt as Akhenaton IV and Amenophis III he built the Temples at Thebes and at Karnak.

He was king Leonidas of Sparta and well known for the discipline at that time. He was in embodiment in Greece and had something to do with the creating of the Colossus at Rhodes at that time.

Serapis Bey was also Phidias in one embodiment, an Athenian archi-tect and sculptor. He brought forth the design of the Parthenon and supervised the building of it. According to one encyclopedia it was dedicated in 438 B. C.The Ascended Master Serapis Bey also dictated the book Dossier on the Ascension:  The Story of the Soul's Acceleration into Higher Consciousness on the Path of Initiation, which was recorded by the Messenger Mark L. Prophet.  In this book, Serapis offers profound answers to the questions of life after death.  He outlines step by step how to follow the adepts of East and West, including Jesus Christ, who have been candidates at the mystery school of Luxor, Egypt, submitting to the initiations of the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid.  Serapis teaches how to live life to its fullest in the here and now and how to consciously ascend (accelerate) into that higher reality which is the eternal abode of the soul.

He made the Ascension around 400 B. C. and after that He became Chohan of the Fourth Ray under which comes the action of the Ascension Flame. He is the Master in charge of the Brotherhood at Luxor, Egypt. He works with the Seraphim. Serapis Bey has golden hair and His eyes are amber color. “Celeste Aida” is His keynote. His electronic pat. tern is a heart.


Serapis BeySerapis BeySerapis BeySerapis BeySerapis Bey

Now you have the chance to be initiated into the Serapis Bey. They will envoke in you the energy vibration of Serapis Bey.

The Energy vibration of Master Serapis Bey is: Purity, Resurrection, Ascension

You will receive 2 attunements, a Serapis Bey Chakra Oil and a manual. The first is the basic ALL Ascended Master Attunement. The second is the specific Serapis Bey attunement.

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You will get these initiations for only $ 49 USD.

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For any questions please contact me.

Spiritual Healing

Tom Om, Chiropractor, Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master

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