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Vegetarian Diet

While we live on Earth a vegetarian diet determines the quality of our physical existence and is of crucial importance, and none more so than the health and well-being of our physical body.

As Spiritual beings currently experiencing a physical existence, who we are is the total of every aspect of our Being; Body, Soul and Spirit, all of which should be maintained in perfect balance thru a vegetarian diet.

If one aspect of our Being is unbalanced, then it will be reflected in the aspects of our Being, our other "bodies", manifesting in many different ways, in the case of the physical body as a physical "dis-ease".

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus teaches us:

"As Above, so Below, as Below, so Above"; which can also be expressed more accurately; "as Within, so Without".

This is the basis of holistic healing and the ultimate sense of this web page; looking after the "whole".

If we abuse our physical body then it will be reflected within our inner bodies, the Soul and Spirit, with many negative consequences, both immediately felt, and relative to ongoing Spiritual evolution.

There are few aspects of our physical life therefore that are as important as regular nutrition, a vegetarian diet; the foods we eat, which has profound implications in every way and at every level.

The choice of a vegetarian diet however, has an impact on the Ethic, Spiritual and Universal perspective.

We can summarize the urgent need for all humans for a vegetarian diet briefly by noting that the human desire to satisfy the sense of taste is resulting in the most terrible abuse and slaughter of animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, hens and other sentient Beings on a horrifically massive scale.

Plain and simple; animals are equal to humans, differing only in form and abilities. Every animal, like human beings is an equal aspect of The Source, of God, and accordingly whatever we do to animals we equally do to ourselves in accordance with the immutable Universal law of cause and effect, and which actions will accordingly be reflected in Spiritual progress and other ramifications that can manifest in an infinite number of ways.

Even if a person does not actually kill the animal they are eating for dinner themselves, the fact they are in fact use that animal for their diet makes the person a part of the chain of causal events commencing with the birth of the animal, and ending on the dinner plate.

An extremely important aspect of Spiritual progress is to
understand the profound truth of a vegetarian diet, and to treat animals, and indeed all life with equal respect.

Think for a minute why for you as a spiritual growing person the vegetarian diet is so important.

The animal food industry itself is horrific in every way.
Countless millions of animals are being horribly treated, tortured and murdered in order to satisfy the human sense of taste and for no other reason. The creature that provided the "Happy Meal" for a child was very far from happy with its "life", and those vibrations continue even after death and on to the dinner plate or fast food box.

Take a closer look:


I wish that you deeply understand the need for a vegetarian diet. It is not only not healthy, but if you deeply understand the more fundamental issues of the effects of the so called "modern diet" on the human body, and therefore, in accordance with "as above, so below", the
Astral and Mental bodies, the Soul and Spirit.

Before addressing the vegetarian diet and the consequences of diet, specifically eating animal and dairy products on the human body, it is necessary to ask why people eat these things in the first place.

Babies do not arrive in the physical world as avid meat eaters with an inherent taste for animal flesh, so why do people eat meat at all?

The reason is simple; because, as with many things, a child is programmed from an early age by parents, relatives and teachers that it is "normal" or "expected" of a person" to eat meat along with all of the other conventions, expectations and indoctrinations of "modern society".

From a young age a child is fed a wide range of meat products, often made into shapes the child can identify with, taken as a treat to McD's for a happy meal, or KFC for "nuggets", and that child grows up believing that eating meat is the right thing to do.

As with many things, that child, thus programmed, is running on that program for the rest of his or her physical life, never thinking to question it.

However, the consequences of eating meat and dairy products are clear for all to see. Obesity, in particular child obesity, diabetes, colon and other cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure and countless other ailments have never been higher.

Health services spend literally trillions of dollars each year treating diseases that are directly attributable to diet, and this situation is getting worse, much worse.


Because plain and simple human beings are not "designed" to eat meat. At the same time we are seeing more and more "fast food" and other junk food outlets, the food sold by which is increasingly processed and mass produced to satisfy demand.

Children are taken to these fast food outlets by parents as a "treat", not realizing that every fast food meal is adding to a shorter, less healthy life; some treat. Therefore your children should right away start with a healthy vegetarian diet and lifestyle.

It is a fact that almost all burgers are made from dairy cows who could no longer produce sufficient milk to make them "economically viable", and almost all "nuggets" are made from hens who no longer produced enough eggs to make them "economically viable".

It is true that our ancient ancestors ate meat; but this was
due to the need to survive under very adverse conditions where there was often no other choice. These ancient people were fortunate to live to 25 years, and 35 years was considered old, so the consequences of their diet would never have been known.

The truth is, the human body is designed to thrive in maximum health on harvestable, uncooked whole alkaline foods such as nuts, pulses, berries, fruits, fungi etc.., which are important parts of the vegetarian diet.

Even when people eat vegetables, for example peas, carrots, broccoli etc., which are not the same as the above, they cook the vegetables by boiling them in water, thereby destroying most of the nutrients and all of the enzymes, thereby rendering them almost nutritionally worthless and that is a fact. This is why you should steam your vegetables, as a important rule of a vegetarian diet.

The vast majority of food displayed on supermarket shelves is surrounded by brightly colored packaging designed to attract the eye of the shopper, while concealing the much darker origins of the "food" and the countless chemicals and artificial ingredients that have been added to enhance the taste and extend the shelf life.

You might find these facts difficult to believe after a life-time of living in a society where eating meat and dairy products is considered the "norm", but conclusive, absolutely indisputable proof is at hand in the form of a vegetarian diet book called "The China Study" by Dr. Colin Campbell.

Dr. Campbell, who is widely recognized as the greatest nutritionist alive today, and almost certainly the greatest nutritionist that has ever lived, is known among his peers in the nutrition and medical professions as "the Einstein of nutrition".

The China Study itself is the result of 20 years or intensive, meticulous and extensive research of vegetarian diet data, nvolving three major international Universities.

I have written a review of The China Study here for you:

Click here

I very seriously recommend that everyone reads the vegetarian diet review and then visits the page on Amazon, the link to which I have provided in my review, and reads the 200 or so independent book reader reviews.

I further recommend, most strongly that you purchase this book, which I regard as one of the most important books ever written.

It is not an over-statement to say that reading this book could easily save your health, and even your life, and that of your family.

In fact I can honestly say that I regard this book as so important to you and your loved ones, that I would be absolutely failing in my responsibilities if I did not bring this book into your awareness with my strongest suggestion that you read it from cover to cover and take the necessary actions.

Plain and simple, if you are eating meat and/or dairy based products you are shortening your life and exposing yourself to all manner of preventable, often extremely debilitating diseases.

In particular, if you are feeding your children meat and dairy products you are exposing them to very serious health risks which I know, as a loving parent, you would never, ever knowingly do.

I realize that this will come as a shock to many people. I realize also that many cannot imagine life without meat or dairy products.

But with knowledge comes power and progress.

We are all here to learn by experience and to learn from
others. If anyone fails to learn the lessons the Universe delivers to them, that person should not be surprised if they pay the price both physically and Spiritually.

The desire to eat meat and dairy products is, as with everything, entirely in the Mind due to long-term programming from childhood. Using the power of the Mind anything is possible, including the switch to a healthy diet.

It might be "easier" in the short-term to take the path of least resistance, disregard the truth and disregard your Higher-Self, but in the medium to long-term the price will be paid in terms of health, longevity and Spiritual progress and that is a proven fact.

Those who will make the most progress Spiritually, which is why we are here after all, are those who have the courage to resist the expectations of society, relatives, friends, neighbors and others to conform, and to bravely use their own freewill to do what is right for themselves and in particular their children.

Ask yourself this; do you want to be taking your son or daughter for hospital appointments in a few years time, condemning them to a life of medical treatment, insulin injections and therapy, simply because you ignored the facts about proper, healthy nutrition?

The message of a vegetarian diet will be extremely unpopular with some people, but I make no apologies. If this article saves the health or life of just one person, especially a child who is too young to make their own decisions, then it will have been worth it.

So why not make this year where you started by reading The China Study, and went on to live a much healthier, happier life, consistent with your long-term objectives.

Have the strength to ignore what others might say and become free to break away from socio-economic pressures and programming and the expectations of others to conform, and go on to shape your own destiny at all levels; Body, Soul, Spirit and quality of life itself.

There is one additional factor I would like to mention. Eating meat and dairy products requires considerable Energy. By eating the correct harvestable whole-food type diet you will retain much more Energy for inner pursuits such as Astral projection, healing, and using The Law of Attraction to attract those things you really wish for in life, and you will have the health to enjoy them.

It is a fact that Vegans live on average 7 years longer, and
usually much more, and are far healthier in every respect than meat and dairy eaters.

The best book available is called "Vegan; the New Ethics of Eating", by Erik Marcus.

Erik has made his vegetarian diet book available for download in order to promote the importance of these matters, and you may download it from here:

Right-click and then select "Save target as....."


And finally we must consider the bigger picture; the effect on our planet Earth upon which we depend in physical incarnation:

Here is document that summarizes it excellently; again
right-click and select "Save target as.....":


And again, here is my review of vegetarian diet bible - The China Study:

The China Study

The final word on this topic is that you as a spiritual growing beings, which will not only get the tremendous benefits of our quality Remote Healing, Reiki Attunements and Energy Download service, but to grow and gain knowledge to heal yourself & others and led you finally recognize the Divine in You and in All.  And a vegetarian diet is the basic understanding of the fact that animals are a part of us and we are a part of them. We are not alone.


Spiritual Healing

Tom Om, Chiropractor, Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master

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