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This website will serve YOU to Be the BEST you can Be at that moment in time...

FREE Becoming One with GOD

Distant Healing for personal problems

Order of Melchizedek – Spiritual Alignement
With a help of a Priest

FREE: Partnership Disturbance Alignement

Spiritual Healing.....
DO YOU SUFFER FROM PHYSICAL OR SPIRITUAL PAIN ? Spiritual Healing is the answer…..


Saint Germain
Master Saint Germain is in control  in the next 2000 years! Learn more...

Want to be a Full Spectrum Healer? Learn more...

Energy Healing
How does healing work? Download your FREE Ebook here.

Receive Multi-Dimensional Energy Downloads. Learn more...

spiritual healing
Shambhala is a magical land which is shaped like an eight-petalled lotus flower. It has been ruled by priest-kings for many thousands of years.


Ascended Masters

The Brothers of Light
are a spiritual
organization which
consist of the highest initiates of our cosmic system. Read more...

Ascended Masters

Chakras are important Entry Gates of the Aura. Within the physical body resides a body double, a spiritual or etheric body, that contains the Chakras.



The Lemurians were very peaceful Beings, who lived on the Island Lemuria in the Pacific. While the Atlantians were much more techinological, the Lemurians were more nature oriented with powerful psychic abilities. There was a time when these Beings could no longer inhabit their Earthly land and some of them left this planet, but yet remained connected. Others, live within the Earth and are now bringing forth the Lemurian Seed Crystals to help enlighten us.

I have a very strong connection to the Lemurians, and they do indeed live within the Earth, on another plane or dimension, much like the Fairies do. However the Lemurians are able to move in and out of the physical objects as is nothing is there. The Lemurians are slight of build, communicate telepathically, and are here to help us evolve.


This attunement for the Lemurian Facilitator introduces you to the Lemurians. They will initiate you into their world so that they can communicate with you and they will enhance your psychic abilities. However, once you have had this attunement, it is necessary that you work with the energies and call upon them in order strengthen the energies. They will not push you to do anything, but rather, you must ask them to help you. This attunement works to help enlighten you and to teach you, so that you understand the unseen world around you. You may receive messages during this attunement, and you may see visions, which could include the Great Hall of the Lemurians.  Do remember that each person will have their own experience, and that results will vary from person to person, depending on what you are ready to receive and the energies you are ready to have. I personally enjoyed this attunement very much, but I have always felt connected to the Lemurians.

What you will receive:

  • Lemuria Facilitator 1 Attunement
  • Lemuria Facilitator 2 Attunement
  • Lemuria Facilitator 3 Attunement
  • Lemuria Facilitator Manual

Once you complete payment, please email me to set the attunement appointments at your leisure, you can even make it up to one
month in advance.

For questions please contact me.


You will learn how to facilitate the Lemurian Temple Initiation, the Dimensional Resonance Activation, the Dimensional Resonance Alignment, and how to facilitate all other types of Lemurian Empowerments.

The Lemurian civilizations were far more advanced than our own. They were highly evolved and spiritual. The Lemurians were vigorous and intelligent, so adept at developing their arts and technology and industrious in exploring the resources of the islands, that they soon established a great civilization. They were healers, teachers, priestesses, priests, recorders of knowledge, scientists, astronomers and artisans.

Lemuria was a peaceful place with superior knowledge, thriving commerce and advanced technology. The beauty of the city, on its circle of land linked by great bridges across circles of water, was further enhanced by brilliant gardens, groves of flowering trees and innumerable sparkling fountains. Great universities, observatories, libraries, laboratories and academies for people of all ages was the mainstream of civilization.

People in those times were categorized according to their spiritual growth. The ones who were less spiritually evolved (with lower energies) could not enter high-energy areas. There were temples made of lemurian seed crystals. Elders (the priests) could connect to the lemurian seed crystals. Lemurian seed crystals were used for building the bridges; some lemurian seed crystals were used for heating water. Some were working lemurian seed crystals; some spiritual and some were healing lemurian seed crystals.

The Lemurian Vibrations can also be helpful with soul healing & the releasing of karmic ties and may also be important for those with previous Lemurian connections.

The Lemurian Seed Crystal attunements which are included in this package complement the Lemurian Facilitator attunement wonderfully.  These additional empowerments include attunement to sacred symbols that draw in frequencies of energy for the purpose of healing and spiritual development.  The vibrations of these symbols are those that are held in powerful Lemurian Star-Seeded Quartz points.

Once you complete payment, please email me to set the attunement appointments at your leisure, you can even make it up to one month in advance.

You can buy now the Lemurian Package for a Special Price:

With this COMPLETE Package you will receive the following:

- Lemurian Facilitator Attunement

- Lemurian Facilitator Manual

- Lemurian Seed Crystals 1-3 Attunements

- Lemurian Seed Crystals 1-3 Manual

- Lemurian Facilitator & Seed Crystals Certificate

- Lemurian Audio for the attunements


Order the COMPLETE
Lemurian Package Below:


Once you complete the payment, I will email you the next 72 hours to set up
an appointment at your leisure.








Spiritual Healing

Tom Om, Chiropractor, Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master

Christpower heals you and the Earth - Click here



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