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This website will serve YOU to Be the BEST you can Be at that moment in time...

FREE Becoming One with GOD

Distant Healing for personal problems

Order of Melchizedek – Spiritual Alignement
With a help of a Priest

FREE: Partnership Disturbance Alignement

Spiritual Healing.....
DO YOU SUFFER FROM PHYSICAL OR SPIRITUAL PAIN ? Spiritual Healing is the answer…..


Saint Germain
Master Saint Germain is in control  in the next 2000 years! Learn more...

Want to be a Full Spectrum Healer? Learn more...

Energy Healing
How does healing work? Download your FREE Ebook here.

Receive Multi-Dimensional Energy Downloads. Learn more...

spiritual healing
Shambhala is a magical land which is shaped like an eight-petalled lotus flower. It has been ruled by priest-kings for many thousands of years.


Ascended Masters

The Brothers of Light
are a spiritual
organization which
consist of the highest initiates of our cosmic system. Read more...

Ascended Masters

Chakras are important Entry Gates of the Aura. Within the physical body resides a body double, a spiritual or etheric body, that contains the Chakras.




The Pleiadians are collective of extraterrestrials from the star system Pleiades.

Home System

This star system of the Pleiadians is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation of Taurus,  420 light years from planet Earth. The names of the seven stars in the Pleiades system are Taygeta, Maya, Coela, Atlas, Merope, Electra, Alcoyne. The Pleiadians reside on the planet Erra, which is almost as large as Earth, one of ten planets that circle their sun, Tayget. Other pleiadians would live on the planets Semjase, Ptaah and Quetzal.


Around 225,000 B.C., the Pleiadians discovered a small sun system with a planet called Earth on one of their scouting missions away from the Pleiades.
The Galactic Federation allowed the Pleiadians to enter into a incarnational cycle with humans on Earth. The places designated for them to do this was Bali, Hawaii, Samoa and India. Civilizations came and went on Earth with many wars, peaceful cycles and natural disasters, between 196,000 B.C. and 10 A.D. The Pleiadians stayed with humans on Earth until 10 A.D. trying to help develop various civilizations such as Lemuria, Maya, Inca and a civilzation at Machu Picchu. They also were trying to guide humans toward a more spiritual path.
At about 10 A.D.; the last Pleiadian leader called Plejas left Earth for good, because Pleiadians finally achieved peace back home in the Pleiades. They felt it was time for humans to evolve on their own. Before leaving Earth, the Pleiadians left a spiritual leader called Jmmanuel, who later was known as Jesus. Jmmanuel was a very evolved soul, whose father was Gabriel of the Pleiades system and Mary who was of Lyran descent.

Earth continued to evolve on its own without direct Pleiadian leadership till our present time. In the very near future, as Earth enters the Photon Band by year 2020, the Pleiadians are going to help bring all humans on Earth into the light.


The following is a brief description of Pleiadian Culture on the home planet of Erra. About 400,000 people live on Erra, which the Pleiadians feel is the ideal amount for the welfare of their planet. The people of Erra are telepathic and therefore have no need for telephones. There means of travel around the planet is done by a tube system. The Pleiadians are primarily vegeterians, but on occasion eat some meat. They have no medical problems for they control their health by using their own mental powers. The average age of a Pleiadian is 700 years. Their skin is whiter and smoother than ours.
The Pleiadians have no currency as we know it; they share the resources of their planet with all the people. All material goods are given to the people freely, based on their contribution to their society.

When children are born into the Pleiadian society, they are taught for the first ten years to understand the purpose of their lives. The children then spend the next sixty to seventy years being educated in various occupations.

Pleiadians travel in spacecrafts called a Beamship. They have different sizes for different useage. They are approximately 21 feet in diameter, can carry several people and have interplantary capabilities. Beamships can travel billions of miles in a part of a second by traveling in hyperspace. Because of this ability, the trip from Erra in Pleiades to Earth takes only seven hours.
The Pleiadians will land along with other benevolent extraterrestrials after the major changes have occured on Earth. When we are in The Photon Band by year 2020, the Pleiadians will bring in Mother Ships to help the survivors of Earth with food and temporary shelter. They have the technology to grow food immediately on their Mother Ships by using special soil and seeds. The plants grow immediately to full maturity. So people of earth, do not despair, help will be there when you need it. All you have to do for now is keep your body frequency to one of Love, so you can ascend to the fifth dimension by year 2022. You will then become part of the new civilization of light – Humus Spiritus- on a planet of light. See you all at the Cosmic Party in the year 2022 - 2032!

You want to be ready for the party?
Here are the important vibration ingredients and gifts you should bring with you.

ascended master codes
Ascended Master Codes The Master Hierachy includes gracious Master alignements, where you can access the precious master vibration you radiate with.
Enlightment Master Codes
Enlightment Master Codes
The Enlightenment Master Codes are a spiritual blessings from the Creator to assist beings like you on this planet with clearings, healings and activations of self-mastery that will help to attune into the emerging Golden Age.
Ascension Master Codes
Ascension Master Codes
The most important aspects of these Healing Codes are the clearance of your negative pattern you constantly create, the alignment to your Higher Aspects of your spirit and soul and finally boosting your light quotient.
Clearing Master Codes

Clearing Master Codes
The Clearing Master Codes include intense clearing processes as well as activations to assist people in living as a master in the third and fourth dimensional world we call Earth.

Empowerment Master Codes
Empowerment Master Codes
The energies of the Empowerment Master Codes are much deeper than third dimensional words can ever convey.  The colors and the composition of each transmission are encoded with literally zillions of frequencies that are calibrated to each of you in the NOW.
Mystery Master Codes
Mystery Master Codes
These twenty-six sequencing Mystery Master Codes help you to awaken your inner divinity and the attributes of mastery and mystic that reside within your multidimensional heart.
Starseed Master Codes
Starseed Master Codes
These series of codes are powerful starseed blessings, activations and star-gate alignments that are part of the cosmic heart-oriented approach to ascension. Each of these powerful mastery activations help provide YOU the energetic support light-workers, healers and starseeds need to accomplish their world service contracts with the Creator
Angelic Healing Codes
Angelic Healing Codes
Angelic Healing Codes are a very easy, simple way to receive sacred Angelic Healing activations, attunements, healings and clearings from the Angelic Councils of Love who are here to assist all beings in this world and planet to bring in great healing, great mastery and to assist beings to embody the highest state of love that they can.

By ordering one Master Code above you will receive the book ‘Develop your Lightbody
’ for FREE. Just mention Lightbody in your Paypal Form.



Spiritual Healing

Tom Om, Chiropractor, Spiritual Healer and Reiki Master

Christpower heals you and the Earth - Click here



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